Voting Rights


Tell the Senate

Protect our Voting Rights!

The Freedom to Vote Act could move forward before the end of the year.
Click to call the Senate to demand protection for our voting rights &mdash even if it means delaying their recess to do it!

After you click, we'll give you the phone numbers to your senators' offices and a sample script, so you'll have everything you need to make this critical call right now.

Calls from their own constituents are critically important in swaying how Senators vote on legislation, and that's why we're relying on you to help press the case for the Freedom to Vote Act. It will take about 5 minutes of your time to call, and it could make a huge difference in whether or not federal voting rights protections are passed. And when you've finished making calls, please forwar

Call your Senators

Sponsor: People for the American Way   958