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2023 Priority Legislation

of the Virginia Grassroots Coalition

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2023 Priority Bills

Campaign Finance

Cat Number Title Patron House Senate GA Governor updated
campaign finance HB 1551 Support 1551 Campaign advertisements; independent expenditures, electioneering communications, disclaimer. more...
Broadens the scope of disclaimer requirements for campaign advertisements to include electioneering communications, as defined in the bill, and messages advocating for the passage or defeat of a referendum.
Dan Helmer (D-HD40) Tabled
campaign finance HB 1552 Support Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds, complaints, hearings, civil penalty. more...
Restricts personal use of campaign contributions.
Marcus B. Simon (D-HD53) Tabled
campaign finance HB 1648 Support Contributions; prohibited from foreign-influenced corporations, required reports. more...
Caps campaign finance donations/prohibits contributions from foreign-owned corporations.
Timothy Anderson (R-HD83) Left
campaign finance HB 1826 Support Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds, complaints, hearings, civil penalty. more...
Prohibits any person from converting contributions to a candidate or his campaign committee for personal use. Current law only prohibits such conversion of contributions with regard to disbursement of surplus funds at the dissolution of a campaign or political committee. ...
Mike Cherry (R-HD66) Tabled
campaign finance HB 2281 Support Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council; powers and duties; complaints; penalties. more...
Authorizes the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council to investigate alleged violations of the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act and the General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act (the Acts). ...
Irene Shin (D-HD86) Left
campaign finance HB 2286 Support Elections; campaign finance; contribution limits; civil penalty. more...
Establishes contribution limits from any individual to any candidate campaign committee, political action committee, and political party committee and from any political action committee or political party committee to any campaign committee. ...
Schuyler VanValkenburg (D-HD72) Tabled
campaign finance HR 242 Support Elections; political independence of Virginians necessitates state control over election spending. more...
Resolution supports a U.S. Constitutional amendment allowing Congress and the states to regulate election spending.
Vivian E. Watts (D-HD39) Left
campaign finance SB 803 Support Campaign finance; campaign contribution limits; civil penalty. more...
Prohibits persons from making any single contribution, or any combination of contributions, that exceeds $20,000 to any one candidate for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, or the General Assembly in any one election cycle. ...
Chapman Petersen (D-HD34)
campaign finance SB 804 Support Campaign finance; prohibited contributions to candidates more...
Prohibits candidates, campaign committees, and political committees from soliciting or accepting contributions from any public utility, as defined in the bill, and prohibits any public utility or any political committee established by such public utility from making any such contribution.
Chapman Petersen (D-SD34)
campaign finance SB 854 Support Campaign advertisements; independent expenditures; disclaimer requirements. more...
Broadens the scope of disclaimer requirements for campaign advertisements to include electioneering communications, as defined in the bill, and messages advocating for the passage or defeat of a referendum. ...
Barbara Favola (D-SD31) PBI
campaign finance SB 946 Support Campaign finance; fundraising during special sessions prohibited. more...
Prohibits campaign fundraising on any day the General Assembly is scheduled to meet during a special session. Currently, campaign fundraising is prohibited only during regular sessions of the General Assembly.
David Suetterlein (R-HD19)
campaign finance SB 1053 Support Campaign finance; prohibited contributions to candidates more...
Prohibits candidates, campaign committees, and political committees from soliciting or accepting contributions from any public utility, as defined in the bill, and prohibits any public utility or any political committee established by such public utility from making any such contribution.
Jeremy McPike (D-SD29) PBI
campaign finance SB 1427 Support Campaign finance; political action committees; certain large pre-election expenditures. more...
Requires in-state political action committees to file a report for any single expenditure of $1,000 or more made between October 1 and the date of the November general election. ...
David Suetterlein (R-HD19) Passed
campaign finance SB 1471 Support Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds; complaints, hearings, civil penalty. more...
Prohibits any person from converting contributions to a candidate or his campaign committee for personal use. Current law only prohibits such conversion of contributions with regard to disbursement of surplus funds at the dissolution of a campaign or political committee. ...
Jennifer B. Boysko (D-HD33) Tabled
No. of bills: 14

Note: The Rules Committees of both Chambers have limited the number of bills that individual members may introduce this Session: Senators have bill limits of 26, and Delegates have bill limits of 15.

General info

Introduced Bills by subject

Education bills

Continued from last session

2023 Session dates

Dec 12: Bills available
Jan 11: Session begins
Feb 8: Crossover*
Feb 15: Budget conferees named


Dillon Rule. Restricts local government authority to enact ordinances.

Conference Committee. A temporary committee w. members from both the House and Senate, tasked with reconciling differences in legislation that passed both chambers.

Continued/Carried over. Action taken in an even-numbered year to postpone the consideration of a measure until the next regular session of the General Assembly.

Crossover. The last day for a bill to pass out of the chamber in which it was introduced and move forward for consideration in the opposite chamber. If a bill does not move forward, it is "Left" (dead).

Engrossed. A legislative stage when a bill passes the second reading in the House of origin. Every bill has to be "read" on the floor three times before voting on it. The action or any debate or discussion usually comes on the day of the second reading or the third reading.

Enrolled. Legislation which has passed both the House of Delegates and the Senate, signed by the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate, sent to the Governor, but not yet signed.

Failed to report. Defeated. The rejection of a motion to 'report' a bill to the full chamber.

Incorporated. Rolled into someone another bill. Either because they're identical, or they have incorporated *some* of the language in, and the patron agreed to have her name on the other bill.

Patron. Bill sponsor. There can be many patrons.

PBI. Passed by Indefinitely. Action to allow a committee to reconsider legislation at a later meeting. If the committee takes no further action, the bill is dead. [Usually the bill is dead.]

Referred. The assignment of legislation to another standing committee with no stance on the policy of the measure (neither endorses nor rejects the legislation).

Reported. The approval of a measure by the majority of the committee. The legislation may be reported by the committee with or without amendments. A bill may also be reported and referred to another committee.

Stricken. Legislation removed from a committee's docket, frequently at the request of the patron.

More definitions from League of Women Voters Virginia
More definitions from University of Virginia

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VA Dems Caucus Twitter
VA Dems Caucus Website
GA Committees, Contact info, etc.

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Virginia judge rejects push to block protections for transgender students, Courthouse News Service, July 27, 2021.

Other Legislation

2021 Virginia Legislation
2020 Virginia Legislation
2021 US Legislation

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