Lashrecse Aird


Lashrecse Aird

Lashrecse was first elected in 2015, becoming the youngest woman ever elected to the VA House of Delegates.

Lashrecse, on the issues:

➔ Education +

Aird believes in universal pre-school education ... To ensure that, Aird will support initiatives that prevents childhood poverty, homelessness and childhood hunger.

➔ VA Workers & Economy +

Aird wants to ensure that companies are enticed to bring their jobs to the 63rd District so we can increase the number of quality jobs available. We need those to be high-paying jobs ...

➔ Environment +

Delegate Aird has led the Commonwealth on this issue by passing legislation and speaking publicly about the importance of energy equity, customer choice, and committing to get to 30% renewable energy by 2030.

➔ Criminal Justice Reform +

Aird will work to initiate projects that will strengthen not only law enforcement departments, but also their outreach into our communities.



Lashrecse Aird

HD-63 Profile

Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co, Chesterfield Co.

HD-63 Voting Trend

Democratic candidates' election percentages.

2020: Biden received 55%.
2019 (HD): Aird won w. 55%.
2018: Kaine received 58%.
2017: Northam received 56%.
2017 (HD): Aird won w. 95%.
2016: Clinton received 54%.
2015 (HD) Aird won w. 100%.

More stats →

Note: 2020 stats are based on Daily Kos computations.


Most candidate information drawn from Candidates' websites.

Most statistics from VPAP.

2020 election stats computed by Daily Kos.