We need better academic support for English Language Learners.

Ask VA Legislators to Vote YES on HB2145 and SB1118.

Draft Email Copy/paste into your own email

TO (House Education Committee)

DelJBourne@house.virginia.gov, DELSVanValkenburg@House.virginia.gov, DelSRasoul@house.virginia.gov, DelDMcQuinn@house.virginia.gov, DelSSubramanyam@house.virginia.gov, DelEGuzman@house.virginia.gov, DelEFiller-Corn@house.virginia.gov, DelSSimonds@house.virginia.gov, delbsewell@house.virginia.gov, delmmaldonado@house.virginia.gov, DelGDavis@house.virginia.gov, DelJAvoli@house.virginia.gov, DelDLaRock@house.virginia.gov, DelJMcGuire@house.virginia.gov, DelABatten@house.virginia.gov, DelWWampler@house.virginia.gov, DelCCoyner@house.virginia.gov, DelNFreitas@house.virginia.gov, delmcherry@house.virginia.gov, deltdurant@house.virginia.gov, delkgreenhalgh@house.virginia.gov, delaftata@house.virginia.gov

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Vote YES on HB2145 and SB1118 to support English Language Learners

Draft Text
(Sign your name and name of your organization. FEEL FREE TO EDIT.)

Dear Legislator,
Virginia public schools have a large number of English Language Learners (ELL) and we can improve academic outcomes of these students with these bills.

HB2145 and SB1118 will provide policies and practices designed to promote the employment of a greater number of highly qualified teachers to serve the educational needs of students who are English language learners. Incentive reward programs will be established for English Language Learning teachers, and the Board of Education will be required to provide guidelines to administer the program.

Also, the bills will require determination of the feasibility of translating SOL assessments into languages spoken by the learner students so they can take those tests instead of their assessments in English. Support to parents of language learners would include informing them about testing alternatives for their child in their own language.

Thank you for voting for these bills so important to English Language learners.



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★ Remember to add your Name and Address.