Signed | Signed by Governor. |
Enrolled | Sent to the Governor, but not yet signed. |
Passed | Passed House or Senate. |
Comm | In Committee. Hover to see committee name. Click to see members. |
Read1/2/3 | Read in chamber. |
Reported | Approved by Comm. |
Recommends | Recommended by Subcommittee. |
Left | Left in committee. |
Incorp | Incorporated into another bill. |
PBI. | Passed by Indefinitely. |
Stricken | Bill withdrawn. |
Defeated. |
2023 Priority Bills
Education | ||||||
Cat | Number | Title | Patron | House | Senate | updated |
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HB 1497 Support | Teachers; required to be compensated at or above national average.
Requires public school teachers to be compensated at a rate that is at or above the national average. Under current law, compensation at such rate is aspirational. ...
Kelly Convirs-Fowler (R-HD21) |
1/29/23 |
education | HB 1560 Support | High school students; development of Title IX and sexual harassment prevention training modules.
Requires the Department of Education to develop culturally appropriate, age-appropriate, and trauma-informed Title IX and sexual harassment prevention training modules concerning Title IX rights and protections, consent, and sexual harassment prevention and reporting and to make such training modules available to each school board for the education of high school students. ...
Vivian E. Watts (D-HD39) |
1/18/23 |
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HB 1566 Support | Public school teachers and other Standards of Quality-funded positions; compensation.
Requires the Commonwealth to compensate its public school teachers at a rate that is competitive, defined in current law as at or above the national average teacher salary, in order to attract and keep highly qualified teachers. Current law declares it the policy of the Commonwealth to compensate public school teachers at such competitive rate but does not require it. ...
Sam Rasoul (D-HD11) |
2/8/23 |
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HB 1938 Support | Public schools; staffing ratios; school counselors with training or experience in mental health.
Requires each school board to employ, in addition to the school counselors that it employs as otherwise required by law, at least one full-time school counselor with specialized training or experience in mental health per 1,000 students in grades kindergarten through 12.
Kenneth Plum (D-HD36) |
2/1/23 |
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HB 2111 Support | Standards of Quality; work-based learning, teacher leaders and mentors, principal mentors.
Makes several changes to the Standards of Quality, including requiring the establishment of units in the Department of Education to oversee work-based learning and principal mentorship statewide and requiring the Board of Education to establish and oversee the local implementation of teacher leader and teacher mentor programs in Standard 5. ...
Jeffrey Bourne(D-HD71) |
2/8/23 |
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HB 2145 Support | Standards of Learning assessments; English language learner students; parental opt out.
Requires each local school board to ensure that the parent of each English language learner student is notified of the option to not have his child take any Standards of Learning assessment. ...
Elizabeth R. Guzman (D-HD31) |
1/25/23 |
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SB 818 Support | Public elementary and secondary schools; programs of instruction on mental health education.
Requires each public elementary, middle, and high school to provide at each grade level, in addition to health instruction, an additional age-appropriate course of instruction on mental health. ...
Lionell Spruill (D-SD5) |
2/13/23 |
education | SB 819 Support | Public schools; Standards of Quality, early intervention services for reading and mathematics.
Provides that each local school division is permitted to use any nationally recognized, research-based assessment or screener in identifying and assessing the progress of any student in need of reading or algebra readiness intervention services as an alternative to a diagnostic test that must be approved by the Department of Education.
Barbara Favola (D-SD31) |
2/2/23 |
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SB 856 Support | Public elementary and secondary schools; comprehensive school counseling program.
Requires each local school board to develop and implement a written plan for a comprehensive school counseling program for the purpose of providing support that meets the mental and emotional health needs of all students and guiding students in academic progress, postsecondary planning, and social-emotional learning. ...
Lionell Spruill (D-SD5) |
1/29/23 |
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SB 1043 Support | Public education; student mental health and counseling, definitions, licensure requirements.
Requires the Department of Education, in consultation with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, to develop, adopt, and distribute to each school board a model memorandum of understanding between a school board and a public or private community mental health services provider that sets forth parameters for the provision of mental health services to public school students enrolled in the local school division by such provider.
Jeremy McPike (D-SD29) |
9/14/23 |
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SB 1118 Support | Employment of teachers; English as a Second Language Incentive Reward Program and Fund;established.
Provides that each local school board shall adopt employment policies and practices designed to promote the employment of highly qualified teachers to effectively serve the educational needs of students who are English language learners, including providing financial support for teachers seeking and obtaining an endorsement in English as a second language pre-kindergarten through grade 12. ...
Ghazala F. Hashmi (D-HD10) |
2/13/23 |
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SB 1215 Support | Public school teachers and other Standards of Quality-funded positions; compensation.
Requires the Commonwealth to compensate its public school teachers at a rate that is competitive, defined in current law as at or above the national average teacher salary, in order to attract and keep highly qualified teachers. ...
Louise Lucas (D-SD18) |
9/14/23 |
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SB 1257 Support | School counselors; staff time.
Defines the terms "direct counseling" and "program planning and school support" for the purpose of the provision of law that requires each school counselor to spend at least 80 percent of his staff time during normal school hours in the direct counseling of individual students or groups of students and clarifies that each school counselor may also spend up to 20 percent of his staff time during normal school hours on program planning and support.
Barbara Favola (D-SD31) |
1/29/23 |
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SB 1268 Support | School psychologists; staffing flexibility.
Provides that in order to fill vacant school psychologist positions, any local school board may employ, under a provisional license issued by the Department of Education for three school years with an allowance for an additional two-year extension with the approval of the division superintendent, clinical psychologists licensed by the Board of Psychology, provided that any such individual makes progress toward completing the requirements for full licensure as a school psychologist during such period of employment.
Barbara Favola (D-SD31) |
1/29/23 |
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SB 1325 Support | Standards of Quality; work-based learning, teacher leaders and mentors, principal mentors.
Makes several changes to the Standards of Quality, including requiring the establishment of units in the Department of Education to oversee work-based learning and principal mentorship statewide and requiring the Board of Education to establish and oversee the local implementation of teacher leader and teacher mentor programs in Standard 5
Jennifer McClellan | Ghazala Hashmi |
2/13/23 |
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SB 1334 Support | Board of Education; Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting participant code of ethics.
Directs the Board of Education to develop and enforce a code of ethics relating to appropriate participation and collaboration at Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings among school staff, parents, students, and any other invited participants. ...
Ghazala F. Hashmi (D-SD10) |
2/15/23 |
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SJ 228 Support | Students; qualification & training requirements of school personnel who administer health services.
Directs the School Health Services Committee to study the feasibility of implementing the recommendations of the Department of Education relating to standardizing the qualification and training requirements for school personnel, such as school nurses, who administer health services to students in order to improve the equity, consistency, and quality of school health services, including mental health services, provided in public schools in the Commonwealth.
Barbara A. Favola (D-SD31) |
2/13/23 |
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HB 1371 Oppose | Education Savings Account Program established; Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credits.
Establishes the Education Savings Account Program .. whereby the parent of any individual who is a resident of the Commonwealth and who is eligible to enroll in a public elementary or secondary school may apply for an Education Savings Account for his child into which the Department of Education deposits certain state and local funds and from which the parent makes certain enumerated qualifying expenses to educate his child in a setting and a manner other than full-time education in a public school.
Phillip A. Scott (R-HD88) |
2/8/23 |
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HB 1379 Oppose | Public elementary and secondary school libraries; catalog of printed and audiovisual materials, etc.
Requires the principal of each public elementary or secondary school or his designee to (i) maintain in an electronic spreadsheet or a substantially similar electronic format a catalog of all printed and audiovisual materials ...
Timothy Anderson(R-HD83) |
2/16/23 |
education | HB 1387 Oppose | K-12 schools/higher ed. institution; designation of interscholastic, etc., sports based on sex, etc.
Requires each interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team or sport sponsored by a public elementary or secondary school or by a public institution of higher education to be expressly designated as one of the following based on biological sex: (i) males, men, or boys; (ii) females, women, or girls; or (iii) coed or mixed if participation on such team or sport is open to both (a) males, men, or boys and (b) females, women, or girls....
Karen Greenhalgh (R-HD85) |
2/16/23 |
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HB 1396 Oppose | Education Savings Account Program; established, Education Improvement Scholarships tax credits.
Establishes the Education Savings Account Program .. whereby the parent of any individual who is a resident of the Commonwealth and who is eligible to enroll in a public elementary or secondary school may apply for an Education Savings Account for his child into which the Department of Education deposits certain state and local funds and from which the parent makes certain enumerated qualifying expenses to educate his child in a setting and a manner other than full-time education in a public school.
Marie E. March (R-HD7) |
1/25/23 |
education | HB 1399 Oppose | Elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education; interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, and club athletic teams and sports; student participation; certain requirements.
Requires each interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team or sport that is sponsored by a public elementary or secondary school or a public institution of higher education to be expressly designated as one of the following based on each team member's biological sex at birth ...
Marie March (R-HD7) |
2/16/23 |
education | HB 1434 Oppose | Student records; name change, court order required.
Prohibits any school board member or school board employee from changing the name of a student enrolled in the local school division on any education record relating to such student unless the member or employee receives a change of name order for such student that was issued in accordance with relevant law.
Jason Ballard (R-HD12) |
1/29/23 |
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HB 1448 Oppose | Public school library materials; DOE to make recommendations, model policies, selection and removal.
Requires the Department of Education, in consultation with local school boards, public school librarians, parents of public school students, and other interested stakeholders, to make recommendations to the General Assembly, the Board of Education, and local school boards ... on the adoption of model policies for the selection and removal of books ...
Robert D. Orrock (R-HD54) |
2/16/23 |
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HB 1508 Oppose | Virginia Education Success Account Program; established, report.
Permits the parents of qualified students, defined in the bill, to apply for a one-year, renewable Virginia Education Success Account that consists of an amount that is equivalent to a certain percentage of all applicable annual Standards of Quality per pupil state funds appropriated for public school purposes and apportioned to the school division in which the qualified student resides, including the per pupil share of state sales tax funding in basic aid and any state per pupil share of special education funding for which the qualified student is eligible. ...
Glenn Davis (R-HD84) |
2/8/23 |
education | SB 787 Oppose | Public school libraries; printed or audiovisual materials, selection, evaluation, & checkout proced.
Requires each local school board to adopt policies addressing the selection and evaluation of all printed or audiovisual materials purchased by, donated to, or otherwise made available to the school division that will be made available to students in school libraries, with clear procedures for (i) mandatory prior written parental consent before a student is permitted to check out from the school library any such printed or audiovisual materials that depict a child engaged in the fondling of the
Bill DeSteph (R-SD8) |
1/23/23 |
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SB 823 Oppose | Parental Choice Education Savings Accounts; established, report.
Diverts funding form public schools to parents in the name of school choice.
Amanda F. Chase (R-SD11) |
1/29/23 |
education | SB 911 Oppose | K-12 schools/higher ed. institutions; interscholastic, etc., sports, teams based on biological sex.
Requires each public elementary or secondary school and each public institution of higher education to expressly designate all interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic teams and sports sponsored by such school based on biological sex ...
John A. Cosgrove (R-SD14) |
2/2/23 |
education | SB 962 Oppose | Elementary and secondary schools; participation in female sports, civil cause of action.
... the bill creates a civil cause of action for students and schools that suffer harm as a result of a violation of the provisions of the bill, provided that such action is initiated within two years of the harm occurring.
Mark Peake(R-SD22) |
2/2/23 |