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Rural Issues

Planting Blue Seeds: Making Rural Virginia a priority
Rural Ground Game video, 2019

Lack of medical facilities.

Not a single maternity hospital in HD-24.

High health insurance rates.

Few 4-year colleges.

But many correctional facilities!

Lack of broadband access.

High poverty rate.

Opiod crisis

Schools need better funding

Population is aging. Under 50 population declining.

Young people leave to find jobs.



Rural Ground Game
Works with rural Dem nominees to advance the values and platform of the Democratic Party 2019 RGG Candidates


People Power Virginia
Rural environmental group, based in Blacksburg, VA.

Rural Voices. Rockingham County, VA Advocates for the dignity of rural communities.
Email: showupinshenvalley@gmail.com

Together Virginia PAC. Arlington, VA Working to connect urban and rural perspectives in Virginia.
Email: togethervirginia@gmail.com

Statistics/Info graphics

Strong GOP Headwinds, vpap.org, November 18, 2019. Most GOP candidates in rural areas drew a lower percentage of the vote than their party candidates in 2015.