2024 ELECTIONS VOLUNTEER Early Voting Shop

Edit Virginia National Organization for Women [Form updated 2020]

If you experience problems with this form -- please contact Denis at fairfaxgrassroots@gmail.com

Note: All info EXCEPT personal info in Section 2, will be shown on this public website.

1 Basic group info

Name of Group *Required

Abbrev. [optional]

Group's Email

Short description 12 words or fewer.
[eg: "VA chapter of national group focused on Gun Violence Prevention" ] *Required

Focus, Issues

Non-Partisan Group? Yes No

    Location (Where you meet or headquarters)

State (VA, DC, MD)

VA Congressional District of your headquarters [Format: VA-01, VA-02, VA-03, etc.]


2 Contacts Will not display on public site.1

Primary Contact

Other contacts


3 2020 Action Plan

In 2020, with what state/s will your group work? [Format: NC, IA, PA. Enter US, if entire country]

Will your group work on 2020 VA Elections?
Yes No What VA Congressional Districts are you focusing on? (e.g. VA-1, VA-2, VA-5, VA-7, VA-9, VA-10 )
Describe what your group is doing this year.

2019 Action Plan

Did your group work on 2019 VA Elections?
Yes No

In what VA House Districts did you work? (e.g. HD-10, HD-12, HD-13, HD-21, HD-27, HD-28, HD-31, HD-40, HD-50, HD-51,)

In what VA Senate Districts did you work? (e.g. SD-7, SD-8, SD-10, SD-12, SD-13, SD-17)

Describe what your group did.

2018 History

Did your org work on 2018 VA Congressional Elections?

What VA Congressional Districts did you focus on? (e.g. VA-1, VA-2, VA-5, VA-7, VA-9, VA-10 )
What did your group do 2018?

2017 History

Did your org work on 2017 VA HoD Elections? What did your group do 2017 or earlier?

4 More questions

Org type [e.g: In-person, Facebook, etc.]


Group Website [Start w http]

Group Facebook page [Start w http]

Group Twitter [Start w http]

Group Calendar [Start w http]


Number of members

Scope of work: working [Locally, Area-wide, State-wide, etc.]

More about your group.
(Other info about your group: beliefs, activity history, how frequently you meet, talents, etc.)
If you need to add paragraph breaks use this symbol <p>