SCDC Shenandoah Co. Democratic Committee
Woodstock, VA
All Democrats in Shenandoah County are welcome!
The Shenandoah County Democratic Committee is a local, progressive political organization aligned with the Democratic Party of Virginia and the national Democratic Party. We are dedicated to responsible, ethical, effective government that works for everyone, that invests wisely in our future, and that protects everyone’s rights. We believe in integrity, fair play, justice and the common good. We stand for fiscal responsibility, strong national security, economic opportunity, good jobs, strong public education, the protection of our natural resources, policies to address man-made climate change, investment in infrastructure, a fair system of taxation, affordable and accessible healthcare, and a safe retirement. There are no requirements or fees to join – all Democrats in Shenandoah County are welcome!
Issues: Electoral politics, All issues of interest to those of the Progressive persuasion.
Updated: 2021-10-10 09:02:54 —