Downers Grove, IL
We bring people together for a common goal: to win elections by increasing democratic turnout through writing postcards and neighborhood letters.
We wrote 4.5 million postcards to the three states that Biden won by just 42,918 votes: Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin. From grassroots groups to grandmothers and their families at home, postcards brought people together for a common goal. Postcards were a gateway to activism for countless first-time activists. From the Wisconsin Primary, to the November elections, to the Georgia runoffs, together we sent more than 21 million postcards to voters in 2020. Now in 2021, we're focusing on two postcard campaigns and a letter writing campaign. We're encouraging folks to write postcards to first-time voters in six states with key Senate races in 2022, to make sure they stay engaged and make voting a habit AND we're writing postcards to progressive voters in New Jersey & Virginia. We're also piloting a new neighborhood letters program because voters respond best to people from their own neighborhood or area.
Issues: Electoral politics, Voting Rights,
Activities: Postcards,
Updated: 2021-03-26 13:22:00 —