Easy as 1-2-3
Information for Virginia Voters
*You can STILL Register to Vote or update your address
when you go to vote —
at an Early Voting location or on Election Day.
★ Picture ID not required to Vote.
*If you miss the Voter Registration deadine, you may register when you go to vote (both Early or on Election Day) — but your vote will be provisional.
Some of the candidates on your ballot may not have a party affiliation after their name. You may also have referendums on your ballot.
It is too late to Register online for this election in VA. BUT you can register or change your address when you go vote in-person.
Learn about Same Day Voter Registration.
-You must be 18 on or before the election to Vote.
Download Voter Registration forms
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College Student Info
Students may use their college address or family address as their Residence.
(But only one residency at a time.)
Restore your Right to Vote
If you lost your right to vote.
Apply through this website
You can Vote In-Person Early or on Election Day.
This is the surest option for most voters.
➔ Vote EARLY In-Person
Where: You can vote at any Early Voting location in your County/City.
➔ Or Vote on Election Day
Where: At your local precinct polling place.
BUT other ID, current utility bill, bank statement, or signed statement required.
List of acceptable IDs
Need Help Voting?
• If you are 65 or older, or have a physical disability, you may vote on Election Day without leaving your vehicle.
• A friend or family member can help interpret, even a child (but not your manager or union boss).
Voting Options for Students
It helps to decide in advance who/what you want to vote for.
Encourage others to vote!
As Democrats, we want every citizen to VOTE, so our democracy works for all of us!