Republicans narrowly won all state-wide positions and took control of the House of Delegates.
Democrats lost 7 seats in the VA House of Delegates.
Dem House of Delegates Candidates
New Candidates
GOP Targets:
Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) targets |
Candidate lists by Org: |
Nope Neighbors |
31st Street |
VGC Adopt-a-Candidate |
Power Lunch speakers |
Emily's List |
Our States Matter |
Swing Left National |
Blue Bonnet Data |
Full list:
By dist number |
By name
State-Wide Candidates
Terry McAuliffe
2855 precincts of 2855 reporting
Hala Ayala
2855 precincts of 2855 reporting
Mark Herring
2855 precincts of 2855 reporting
★ = Declared winner by [Last update 11/15/2021]
★ Youngkin's Victory in Virginia Is a Warning. It's Also a Roadmap, By Tom Perriello, Nov. 3, 2021.
★ Caitlin Coakley election recap, The Beach Brothers Show, Nov. 2021. [Facebook video. Caitlin starts at 3:48]
★ 2021 elections: Results and implications, Brookings, Nov. 8, 2021.
★ My deep deep dive on what happened yesterday and where does the party do go from where, Caitlin Bennett, Threadreader, Nov. 3, 2021.